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In 1519 Agostino Chigi commissioned Sodoma (1477 - 1549), the frescoes of his bedroom.
Since Agostino was preparing to leave celibacy to marry Francesca Ordeaschi, Sodoma pledged to give the room an unmistakable wedding look so that on the north wall he painted “The Marriage of Alexander the Great and Rossane”.

On the west wall is Alexander taming Bucephalus.
In the fresco is recognizable the Basilica of Maxentius and to underline the Roman site also appear Romulus and Remus. It is believed that only the left side of the fresco both of the hand of Sodom, while the right side had to be covered by the bridal bed.

The fresco painted on the east wall shows Alexander who, after defeating Darius king of Persia, meets Sisygambris, mother of Darius.
In the lower section to the side of the fireplace Sodoma painted the Forge of Vulcan with an impressive Vulcano.

The south wall shows a scene of the battle between Alexander and the Persians.

Rich is the sixteen century ceiling.



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