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In life he had great fame for his projects, theoretical studies and, following the path indicated by Raphael, archaeological reconstructions, but in the seventeenth century he fell into oblivion, was rediscovered in the twentieth century.

However, today was not drafted a comprehensive list of his works and interventions such as those resulting from collaborations with Raphael and Antonio da Sangallo.

Villa Chigi - Farnesina became the prototype of the suburban villa. The exterior of the villa was painted, but unfortunately over time the frescoes were lost.

Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne takes its curved shape of the facade to the Odeon of Domitian, on which ruins it was erected.

The Odeon always bordered on the agonal stadium of Domitian (where we see today Navona square). Domitian did not like the gladiatorial games and venationes (= hunts), but could not suppress them, tried to educate the popular taste toward shows less bloody: the Agonali games, or the Roman Olympics.



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