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The Basilica of Santa Prassede holds two mosaic cycles of the ninth century that are among the most important of Rome.

A cycle decorates the apse, the arch of the apse and the triumphal arch.

At the center of the apse is the figure of Jesus flanked by (from left to right), Pope Paschal I, with the model of the church in his hand, his head wrapped in square nimbus means that at the time he was alive, followed by Santa Praxedes and St. Paul, on the other side of St. Peter's, Santa Pudenziana and a deacon.
The thirteen lambs of the lower part of the mosaic depicting Christ and the twelve apostles.

At the center of the arc in a circle apse depicts Jesus as the Passover Lamb. Its sides the seven candlesticks, which according to the Book of Revelation are the seven churches of Asia. Here are four angels, two on each side, and finally the four Evangelists.
The figures dressed in white at the bottom represent the 24 elders of Revelation.
The entire decoration of the arch of the apse is therefore inspired by the book of Revelation, chapters 4 and 5.

In Chapter 21 of the Book of Revelation is inspired by the decoration of the triumphal arch. At the center is depicted Jesus dressed in red, stylized within the walls of Jerusalem, her hips, bottom left, the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist, right Santa Prassede, follow to the right and to the left the 12 apostles. At the gates of the wall to the left Moses, Elijah to the right.
Led by two angels are approaching the gates of Jerusalem the 2 groups of elected, in the lower hold other elected palm branches.
The two shrines which are located at the base of the arch were built by order of St. Charles Borromeo, with the consequent destruction of the mosaic.

The Oratory of San Zeno for the refinement of the decoration and the extraordinary chromatic presents one of the most beautiful mosaic compositions of Rome.

Around the window, above the entrance of the oratory, the two sets of medallions, represents Madonna and saints, while the external series Jesus and the apostles. In the basal two large portraits of popes were added in the nineteenth century.

Within the vault in clypeus is depicted Christ Pantocrator.

In the counterfaçade you can see, in white tunics, St. Peter and St. Paul.

On the right wall at the top is John the Evangelist, St. Andrew and St. James, in the lunette Jesus and two saints.

In the niche on the left wall, above Christ represented as a lamb, along with two deer, below the Madonna with Saint Prassede, Santa Pudenziana and Theodora mother of Paschal I, with the square nimbus because at that time she was alive.

Note the exceptional decoration consisting of flowers, birds, and abstract shapes.



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